Transporting Pets

Bringing pets when traveling

One aspect to consider when traveling is any pets you might own. Consider how you would transport these animals and care for them when on the go. Try to find a relative or trusted friend that could care for them in case you aren't able to bring them when you go.

Ultimately, you must prioritize both your safety and the safety of your pet.

If this means rehoming, do so knowing that you're doing what's best for everyone involved.

Questions to ask yourself:

- What specific needs does my pet have? Is it aquatic, or terrestrial?

- Terrestrial animals are much easier to transport and care for on the go.

- Could I bring my pet's full-time housing (terrarium, cage, etc.) with me, or would it have to stay behind?

- What could I use as a safe travel carrier?

- If traveling by car- where will I keep the animal during travel?

- Does my animal require vet care? Will I have access to a vet along the way, and where I plan on ending up?

- Do I have the money to continue vet care for my animal?

- Does it have any special needs to consider when on the road?

- Could my animal become too cold or too hot while traveling?

- If so, how can I help it thermoregulate properly?

- If this animal is an escape artist, or too large for a travel carrier (i.e. big dog), how would I keep them safe?

- Would a hotel allow me to stay the night with this animal?

- How can I transport my own bag with my pet supplies?

- Are there any laws against bringing my pet into the state/country I am going to?

Things to pack for a pet:

- Travel carrier

- Hygiene items

- Bags for dog waste, litter for a cat, etc...

- Dishes for food and water

- Whatever food the animal eats (unless it's a snake- safer for it to fast during travel)

- Purified water, if the animal needs it

- Alternatively- a means to purify water

- Any medication the animal might need

- Documents proving the animal is yours, if needed

- Leash/harness, if the animal has one