Sometimes, people have to travel and leave everything behind. This can be due to natural disasters, domestic abuse, or financial strain.
What to bring
This list is for a bugout bag that you could grab and go if an emergency arose. The ideal bugout bag contains enough supplies to survive on the road for a full 48 hours. Items marked as optional are still recommended items, but you can leave them out of your pack if your carry capacity or storage spaces are low.
For the bag itself, I recommend a sturdy bag that is easy to carry. Avoid flashy designs. If you're running away, you want something that people won't remember distinctly.
I made this list by compiling information from various websites. This list should work in summer or winter. You might have "too many" clothes for hot weather, but you can take off layers. If you don't have that extra clothing in winter, you might be in trouble. It's best to account for all possible extremes when making a travel bag.
If you need a bag- my own bugout bag is the the "Embark jartop elite backpack" in black. It's large but lightweight, has a "jar-like" opening that makes it easy to pack and unpack, and is very durable. I've used it constantly for 10 years, and it still serves me well. But in my opinion, the best bag is the one that works best for you.
Grab bag items:
- Documents in a waterproof folder: Birth certificate, driver's license, social security card, passport, health insurance cards
- Clothing: T-shirt (optional), long-sleeve shirt, long pants, 2-3 pairs of underwear, 2-3 pairs of socks, pair of shoes (optional)
- Hygiene items, travel-size: toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo, hairbrush/comb
- Survival items: laminated map of the state, phone charger/power bank, face mask, rain poncho
- First aid kit: bandaids, gauze, neosporin, Ibuprofen/Tylenol/etc, alcohol wipes, tweezers, scissors, cough/cold medicine, prescription meds
- Food/water: Reusable water bottle, nonperishable foods, utensils (optional?)
- Other: cash, paper & pen, printed phone numbers you might need (laminated), sewing kit (small repairs), 2-3 small keepsakes (for mental wellbeing; optional)